What I learned late in 2021

What I learned late in 2021



Nov 16, 2021

So Today’s the end of the Month of June and it concludes the first half of the year. Last year was overwhelming with all the happening around the globe and I’m so happy to know that we’re slowly getting out of it.

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The Pure Mind

The Pure Mind



Nov 15, 2021

Earlier we, at The Pure Mind had our project tagged #Empoweraboychild and it was an absolute success as we were able to empower the boys to be a better version of themselves.

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5 ways to give yourself Grace when it gets hard.

5 ways to give yourself Grace when it gets hard.



Nov 08, 2021

If there’s one thing I’m absolutely terrible at, it’s giving myself grace. I’m easily my own worst critic in almost everything that I do. I’m a raging perfectionist, and I have unrealistic expectations for myself at times....

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The Happiness

The Happiness



Nov 08, 2021

Yesterday or day before, I was caught up in a very messy situation with my best friend and when I get into messy situations, you guys can imagine how unforgivable that can be but I was forgiven actually. So I said things I shouldn’t and there was nothing I could do to save myself.

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Talk Good to yourself

Talk Good to yourself



Nov 08, 2021

Welcome back to the blog and Happy New Month. Can’t believe we’re 11 months gone and we have just one more month to end 2021. Things might have not been exactly how we planned and Yes, we still have days to make it right by talking to ourselves the right way.

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Choose Happiness

Choose Happiness



Nov 06, 2021

Good morning and thank you for giving me the audience to be on your screen this beautiful week. Since over 10 people complained about my last post being too long to read, I came up with a minute read (should be approximately 1 minutes 7 seconds including the intro, but let’s just say 1 minute) which I sincerely do hope you enjoy.

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The Big Question

The Big Question



Nov 06, 2021

As we are headed to the end of the year, I think we’ve practically got less than 13weeks, or let’s say 86days to the end of 2021 and as you must have known this month is all about US, Ourselves and We. Here are few questions I want you to ask yourself! Actually, grab your pen and paper and let’s get to work! We need to be in the game of this so called “life” by dancing to the tune and never losing our focus till the year ends!

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