Nov 08, 2021

Talk Good to yourself


Welcome back to the blog and Happy New Month. Can’t believe we’re 11 months gone and we have just one more month to end 2021. Things might have not been exactly how we planned and Yes, we still have days to make it right by talking to ourselves the right way.

I understand some of us do talk to ourselves the right way while some don’t and that’s why so much of our pain, suffering and despair starts and ends with how we talk to ourselves. Think about it? How much better would you be and how much better would your life be if you could change the conversation going on in your own head? How many a nights have you suffered because your internal dialogue has put you on trial and has accused you of things you never did, things that have never actually happened and things which were ultimately out of your control?

You want to change your life?

Well you know what…?

Start learning how to talk to yourself and communicate with yourself the right way. Every thing I write and share with you guys plays a role in my happiness, but this is the one concept you absolutely must master. Otherwise, you will always struggle to be happy within, no matter what level of success you achieve. You’ve got to stop beating yourself up and start holding your own hand, be gentle with yourself and know when it’s time to be tough and when it’s time to be gentle. You have to have a conversation with yourself, rather than be judge and jury. Be honest and frank with yourself but always be very aware that you have to guide yourself towards your greater purpose. My therapist once said, as you get older as you go on your own journey you will have to be your own mother, your own father, your own angel and your own teacher and I have found that to be true when it comes to communicating with myself.

So I know you are wondering where to start and if I was you, I would just start by changing the conversation with yourself and start selling yourself a different story, a different reality. None of us are perfect and we all have a different life story, but if you can learn the art of communicating with yourself the right way, you will have the power to guide yourself and have so much more control over your emotions and your life and the choices you make.

You won’t master communicating with yourself over night, it’s a constant battle and it’s something you master over a lifetime… but you can start right now by being more aware of your thoughts and what you’re actually saying to yourself on a daily basis.

Fall in love with your inner self and do not forget to speak good to yourself all the time.

Thanks for reading guys

See yah in my next blog post.

XOXO Nayyat



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