Nov 06, 2021

Choose Happiness

Do you know what power we have that we often give away?

Our happiness!

Good morning and thank you for giving me the audience to be on your screen this beautiful week. Since over 10 people complained about my last post being too long to read, I came up with a minute read (should be approximately 1 minutes 7 seconds including the intro, but let’s just say 1 minute) which I sincerely do hope you enjoy.

I came across this statement while reading a novel last week; “Happiness exists within us and the moment we tie our happiness to anyone or anything or outcomes and experiences, we give our power away.” And then I realized how true it was.

Happiness exists within our own heart and soul and trust me I didn’t always believe that was the case because I’ve spent many days in my life feeling sad, upset and hopeless because of external factors and things that were ultimately out of my control. But eventually it dawned on me that no one or nothing can ever take away my power to be happy within my own soul and feel good about myself and the life I am creating. Sometimes things go our way, sometimes they don’t but that doesn’t mean they should ever break us inside and take away our beauty, joy and love for life and ourself.

I think the great secret to being happy within no matter what may be going on in your life is to learn the art of letting go and allowing things to be while having a deep sense of faith that all will be well and work out in your favour in the right time and in the right way.

Happiness exists within your own soul and you are all and everything you will ever need to be, choose to feel your power, choose to live in your power and most importantly choose to never give away your power to others, outcomes or external factors.

Do have a great and happy time y’all.

Don’t forget to like, comment, share and explore.

Thank you for reading



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