Nov 08, 2021

The Happiness


Welcome back to the blog.

So today, we’d be talking about The Happiness. Yes….! The Happiness.

Yesterday or day before, I was caught up in a very messy situation with my best friend and when I get into messy situations, you guys can imagine how unforgivable that can be but I was forgiven actually. So I said things I shouldn’t and there was nothing I could do to save myself.

We all want to feel happy after every disagreement with our loved ones, and each of us has different ways of feeling happy and sometimes, we don’t feel happy because we don’t know what gives others the happiness.

So me trying to give a list of what brings more happiness into people’s life, I decided to write out 10 things my best friend does to make me happy always.

Making me smile. I am always the happiest when I am around my best friend because he’s always happy and staying with someone who is always happy and makes you smile would definitely bring happiness into your own life. So, stick with those who are joyful and let them rub it off on you.

Holding on to my values. What i find true, what I knows is fair, and what i believe in are all my values. Over time, the more he honor my values, the better he makes me feel about myself and those i love.

Accept the good. Looking at my best friends life and taking stock of what’s working, I learnt that pushing things away because it isn’t perfect is bad. So, when good things happen, even the very little ones, we have to let them in.

Imagining the best. My best friend is not always afraid to look at what he really wants and he sees himself getting it. Many people avoid this process, I do too and that is because we don’t want to be disappointed if things don’t work out. But learning from my best friend that imagining getting what you want is a big part of achieving it makes me imagine being everything.

Doing things i love. Maybe he can’t do almost everything i love, but as long as he get to do the things i love every once in a while, i always find myself in a greater happiness.

Finding my purpose. My Best friend is someone who believes he is contributing to the well-being of humanity and that tend to make me feel better about life. He always want to be part of something greater than he is, simply because it’s fulfilling.

Listen to my heart. I am the only one who knows what fills me up. My family and friends may think i’d be great at something that really doesn’t float my boat but with an attentive ear, he believes It can be complicated following my bliss and he supports me by advising to just be smart, and keep my job for the time being.

Push himself, not me. It’s easy to feel that someone else is responsible for our fulfillment, but the reality I learnt from my best friend is that it is really our charge. Once i realize that, i have the power to get where i want to go. I stopped blaming others or the world, and I started finding my answers much sooner.

Be open to change. Even if it doesn’t feel good, change is the one thing you can count on. Change will happen, so make contingency plans and emotionally shore yourself up for the experience.

Bask in the simple pleasures. Those who love me, treasured memories, silly jokes, warm days, and starry nights—these are the ties that bind us and the gifts that keeps on giving us happiness.

Happiness and fulfillment are within our grasp, but sometimes just out of reach. Understanding what works best for your friends or family is the first step in finding them more often.

Don’t forget to keep giving yourself and your loved ones the happiness they both deserve.

Xoxo Nayyat



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